KDEPrint code cleanup

Michael Goffioul goffioul at imec.be
Fri Aug 1 10:47:05 BST 2003

> In KBarcode I use the header kdepint/kmmanager.h and the classes KMManager and 
> KMPrinter. As the header was installed as default, I thought it was part of 
> the public API and I could use it. If you rename KMManager this would break 
> KBarcode. So I object therefore. 
> Both above mentioned classes are needed in KBarcode so that the user can 
> specify a printer name as commandline option and KBarcode can print to it. 
> Maybe this can also be done without using this classes, but I have no idea how 
> to do it.

Indeed, those classes are not intended to be used outside KDEPrint.
They have been installed for the only purpose to split KDEPrint's
code into pieces (in kdelibs and kdebase). That's why they are not
documented as KPrinter and KPrintDialog are.

Just a dumb question then: why don't you use the regular mechanism
for printer selection using the print dialog?


Michael Goffioul		IMEC-DESICS-MIRA
e-mail: goffioul at imec.be	(Mixed-Signal and RF Applications)
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