RFC new Menu item "Server Management" under preferences
Willy De la Court
Willy.DelaCourt at pandora.be
Sat Apr 5 22:52:06 BST 2003
Hash: SHA1
On Saturday 05 April 2003 20:59, Tim Jansen wrote:
> On Saturday 05 April 2003 20:34, Willy De la Court wrote:
> > This menu item will contain such things as the wu-ftpd kontrol module
> > dhcpd control module and bind control module so the network admin would
> > have one place to go to.
> The control center has often been criticized for containing too many
> panels, and I wonder whether it wouldnt be better to create another
> 'center' for the configuration of server functionality that is not
> desktop-related. Just like there are the 'Control Center' and the 'Info
> Center' right now, there could also be a 'System Administration Center' or
> something like this.
Ok on the other hand i just found the info center now and i'v been working
with 3.1 since the beginning. I found it a good thing that everything that
had to do with control/ info kontrol modules where in one place
we can argue about that until we get to KDE 6.0 and never come to an
BUT it would be great to group all the control stuff into one place
i mean one menu item Control Centers then under that the following
1) Control Center
2) Info Center
3) Server Center
4) Hardware Center
maybe the splitup is not that good but it's a start.
- --
Simple things make people happy.
Willy De la Court
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