Trying to fix #42091: change client.cpp or netwm.cpp?

Michael Brade brade at
Tue Sep 24 22:47:01 BST 2002

I tried to fix 42091 (somewhen during the switch to Qt 3.0 it became 
impossible to move KNotes' notes with ALT-LMB) and was able to track it down 
to Client::isMovable() from kwin/client.cpp. isMovable() tests for

windowType() == NET::Normal || windowType() == NET::Dialog || 
windowType() == NET::Toolbar || windowType() == NET::Menu

but not for windowType() == NET::Override. I followed the change history of 
client.cpp 'til -r 1.95 and found that it never did. 

So I guess that either netwm.cpp was changed to return windowType() == 
NET::Override for windows that have WidgetFlags WStyle_Customize | 
WStyle_NoBorder or Qt 2.x works differently than Qt 3.x.

Now my question: as the above makes sense in any case is there any reason not 
to add windowType() == NET::Override to isMovable()? The patch is attached 
and works fine for me.

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'

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