Cristian Tibirna
tibirna at kde.org
Sat Sep 21 02:58:50 BST 2002
On Friday, 20 September 2002 21:32, Neil Stevens wrote:
> To reassign the bug while changing its package, select "Reassign bug to
> owner of selected component" at the bottom, directly above the "Commit"
> button.
Arggg! Thanks a lot, Neil.
(A bit of psycho-physiology: a human can't count/notice/conscientize more than
5 items without a significant intellect effort, especially when the items are
very similar).
Cristian Tibirna .. tibirna at sympatico.ca
PhD student .. ctibirna at giref.ulaval.ca .. www.giref.ulaval.ca/~ctibirna
KDE developer .. tibirna at kde.org .. www.kde.org
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