RH BR74071 (Was: Configuring the Red Hat Linux desktop)

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Sun Sep 15 21:18:53 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 15 September 2002 12:45 pm, Owen Taylor wrote:
> I guess the question is whether looking up desktop files by
> filename base is a KDE-specific activity or something that
> is interesting to other people installing desktop files
> as well.

It's the only unique way of identifying a service/application at the moment. 
The "Name" field of the desktop file gets translated so that isn't very 
suitable and the path of the desktop file is subject to change when the user 
rearranges his menu.

> (I don't see looking up desktop files by filename as something
> that is particuarly interesting for GNOME at the moment)

How does GNOME look up .desktop files then? Exclusively based on capabilities 
via a trader?

> Reasons in favor of my original proposal:
>  - The "kde-" renames were meant as simply filename renames
>    to get the files out of the way, and formalizing the
>    use of that exact string by putting it into kdelibs
>    seems a little strange.

I think it's an appropriate prefix so I have no problems with that.

>  - There is no danger of applications accidentally referring
>    to the Red Hat filenames instead of the real KDE
>    service names.


- -- 
bastian at kde.org  |   SuSE Labs KDE Developer  |  bastian at suse.com
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