Klipper as applet only

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 9 19:04:05 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 09 September 2002 01:47 pm, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>  Reasons against:
> - does anybody still have any clipboard problems since I fixed the Qt
> problem almost a year ago?
Only with poorly behaveing Star Office... although I found a nice fix for that 
in the KOffice cvs module ;)

>  We still have some time until KDE3.1 final, so until then the applet-only
> klipper would get enough testing.
I have been using klipper as an applet since pre kde 3.1.  My only gripe with 
an applet is that on one of my systems i dont run kicker (dont even press 
this issue, its a usability experiement).  I am often wondering if the 
clipboard would better be served as a kded module and klipper only be a thin 
front end to it.  From what i can tell the two nice features of klipper are 
the history (now accessable via dcop) and the actions... (the jury is still 
out on this one...).  I think klipper also syncs X and Qt clipboards... but I 
am not sure on that...  Am I confused on the operation of klipper?  Could we 
make it even leaner and not dependant on the panel?  

Just an idea...  I am sorry if i drove this too far off topic...

- -ian reinhart geiser

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