
Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Mon Sep 9 15:28:52 BST 2002

Am Montag 09 September 2002 13:47 schrieb Stephan Binner:
> On Sunday 08 September 2002 23:06, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> > This means we will shortly ditch the current bugs.kde.org and switch
> > what is shown behind bugs.kde.org. For this we need a week or more
> > where new bugs are only imported into bugzilla, til then you need to
> But new bugs can be reported during this period?
Sure, right into bugzilla.
> > As I have no idea what problems arise as soon as we really deploy
> > the new system, I'd like to switch asap.
> This means at the time of Office 1.2 release? Is that really wise? :-|
> I'm interested if following known bugs and lackings are already fixed:
>  - Bugs in bugs.kde.org categories without maintainers will be lost.
Bug number?

>  - Changes in past and until last minutes to Maintainers.xml will be
>    considered (e.g. a kaudiocreator category was added recently)
Was it? I tried to keep uptodate, but I missed that one it seems. 
I have xine_artsplugin and the recent elter drop.

>  - For changes only one notification copy is sent to kde-bugs-dist
>    (and not 20 times if e.g. 20 users are watching a bug report)
No, the way it's "implemented" it simply puts kde-bugs-dist in CC for
every mail. We could define kde-bugs-dist as qa contact, so it would
be CCed on it's own, but that would imply other things, we possibly
don't want.

>  - Help files reflect changed Mozilla values (severities, priority).
You're welcome.

>  - The login form contains a hint that during conversion accounts
>    were created for users/addresses which reported to bugs.kde.org
See above.

Greetings, Stephan

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