thumbnails: images vs picture

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sat Oct 19 09:49:55 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 18 October 2002 07:36, Malte Starostik wrote:
> For me as a user it does make some sense: one is about bitmaps, the other
> about vector graphics, YMMV.

the current names don't imply that and is that distinction important from a 
general user's point of view? how often will someone want only bitmaps and 
not vector images thumbnailed, or vice versa?

i understand the technical difference between the two (because i looked at the 
.desktop files to see the mimetypes ;), but it isn't apparent from the 
outside. i've heard this enough times from people on IRC and in Real 
Life(tm); i didn't even notice it myself until someone asked about it on IRC 
one evening. =)

> handle the rest. This is theoretical, I didn't try if it works (multiple
> .desktop files with the same "Name" key), I'll give it a try.

hmm... i just assumed (the fatal mistake) that that would fail. at best show 
two "Image" entries. 

what you propose would be the optimal solution though as it would keep the 
code clean while not bothering the user with unecessary and inscrutable 
detail. even if it doesn't work that way right now, perhaps we could make it 
do so...

let me know how it goes ...

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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