KControl "Regional & Accessibility" Group

Eric Ellsworth whalesuit at softhome.net
Thu Oct 3 22:07:50 BST 2002

Ok, y'all are going to kill me for repetition, but:

Testing, testing, testing.

This is the kind of debate we'll only be able to settle when we see how people 
react to the new setup.

I don't love Regional & Accessibility group, but I do remember how hard it was 
to find homes for the last couple elements.  And I agree with Aaron's idea 
that have a looser structure that's reasonably sensible all the time is 
better than any classification that adheres strictly to some "logic" we 
thought up.

So to get back to testing ( ;-) , let's work on getting more documented 
usability tests involved here.  Write em up, send em in, rawhide!


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