[PATCH] Automake check

Nicolas Goutte nicog at snafu.de
Fri Nov 29 23:44:34 GMT 2002

Attached is a patch for kde-common/admin/detect-autoconf.sh

It fixes the detection of automake, otherwsie automake 1.5 is always detected 
even if a more recent version exists. 

Idea and test by  "Justin T." <justint at gmx.net>

Someone with enough karma should commit please.

Have a nice day/evening/night!
-------------- next part --------------
Index: detect-autoconf.sh
RCS file: /home/kde/kde-common/admin/detect-autoconf.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 detect-autoconf.sh
--- detect-autoconf.sh	2002/11/20 11:48:30	1.5
+++ detect-autoconf.sh	2002/11/29 23:41:21
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
 checkAutomakeAclocal ()
   if test -z "$UNSERMAKE"; then
-    if test -x "`$WHICH automake-1.5`" ; then
-      AUTOMAKE="`$WHICH automake-1.5`"
-      ACLOCAL="`$WHICH aclocal-1.5`"
-    elif test -x "`$WHICH automake-1.6`" ; then
+    if test -x "`$WHICH automake-1.6`" ; then
       AUTOMAKE="`$WHICH automake-1.6`"
       ACLOCAL="`$WHICH aclocal-1.6`"
+    elif test -x "`$WHICH automake-1.5`" ; then
+      AUTOMAKE="`$WHICH automake-1.5`"
+      ACLOCAL="`$WHICH aclocal-1.5`"

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