KDE 3.1 final tarballs

Germain Garand germain at ebooksfrance.com
Tue Nov 26 01:57:24 GMT 2002

Le Lundi 25 Novembre 2002 17:10, Dirk Mueller a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've created the final KDE 3.1 tarballs last night. I will not update them
> anymore unless there is a fix committed for a fatally bug, otherwise things
> have to wait till KDE 3.1.1.
> I'll tell you when the branch is opened and the freeze of the HEAD branch
> is over (not yet!).
> Thanks,

I've got an embarrassing patch that corrects an error in 
(generating the SmokeQt binding library).

Without it, the compilation of libsmokeqt.so will fail on a lot of 
system/compilers (invalid cast).

I just noticed this error yesterday at night and sent the patch to David for 
review but it seems he wasn't here today.
The tricky part is : since it modifies the binding generator,  
kdebindings/smoke/qt/generate.pl must be run after the patching to update 
them :-/

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