Fixing #47517

Michael Brade brade at
Wed Nov 20 00:43:52 GMT 2002

Answering Robert's private mail to me as well with this (hope this is ok for 
you): yes, I knew about this crash but I didn't know about this bugreport... 
otherwise I'd have already fixed it ;) I ran out of time when trying to fix 
it. So, now it should be fixed, patch attached, explanation as follows:

Robert is right, the problem was that m_dictSubDirs contained references to 
already deleted items which caused the crash. (For me it crashed in 
saveState, which also accesses the items in m_dictSubDirs). KDirLister 
emitted deleteItem not for all subdirs (which is ok, the view should 
recursively remove the items itself) and thus the treeview didn't remove the 
subdir from m_dictSubDirs. The solution is to make 
KonqTreeViewWidget::removeSubDir() recursive.

BTW, we need to "delete" every single item in deleted directories with 
m_pBrowserView->deleteItem() to remove it from the statusbar counts.
However, my patch seems to miss a case as the statusbar is still wrong for the 
treeview... too late to fix it now, will do in a few days if nobody else did 
it by then (Robert..? ;-)

Please review, test and give me an ok to apply :-)

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'

KDE 3: The Next Generation in Desktop Experience

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