[patch] Konq dialogs and "always on top"

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Tue Nov 19 15:56:09 GMT 2002

Currently most of Konq's dialogs are created "parentless".  This causes real 
problems when you set Konq to be "always on top".

Test case:  Start up Konq (in file browsing mode), maximize it and set it to 
"always on top".  RMB Menu -> Create New -> Directory...

You can't proceed until you edit something; you can't even return the focus to 
the window that is taking up the whole screen.  You have to minimize it and 
then handle the dialog, then proceed.

This patch (attached) makes as many of the Konq dialogs as I could find have 
the KonqMainWindow as their parent.

Could someone take a look at this?  <cough> David </cough>

It would be really wonderful if this could make it into 3.1.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest 
person to fool. 
--Richard Feynman 

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