Common icon themes

Waldo Bastian bastian at
Thu Nov 14 23:56:57 GMT 2002

>About the proposals, I still think your proposal is not acceptable because
>on one hand, it breaks the icon theme concept (already explained) and also
>it puts double work on the artists and they (he) already told me they
>don't want to mantain two icon themes.

But in your proposal you say:
3) We keep hicolor as a default "neutral style" icon theme, where all
_3rd_party_ apps must install their "neutral style" icons. Note that when
I said 3rd party I don't only mean mozilla, acroread, or some other
desktop neutral app, but I mean apps which are not distributed from within
each desktop's CVS

If we can require other people to install neutral application icons 
in hicolor what makes the code in KDE cvs so special that we need to 
be exempted from that?


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