Showstopper: kmail hangs while copying mail between imap folders

Don Sanders sanders at
Thu Nov 7 10:08:32 GMT 2002

On Thursday 07 November 2002 14:38, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:00 am, Michael Häckel wrote:
> > On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:04, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 05 November 2002 06:57 pm, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > > > Since many months? Maybe you or Ian should have reported this
> > > > bug when it first occured and not a week before release.
> > >
> > > I did, you told me to start filtering on the server... so after
> > > much irritation i went to procmail.
> >
> > As far as I remember you just reported that IMAP in KMail is
> > absolutely unusable and I did a very bad job. Sorry that I don't
> > waste too much of my valuable time for trolls like you.
> im not going to even argue your lack of help in that area, but i
> did find a resolution to avoid agrivateing the bug in kmail by
> dorking with my server. Ironicly the bug is still there, but it was
> less effort to just change my server than to deal with the current
> management so to speak... (i am still personally upset that there
> was no real effort outside of waldo offering ideas on some of the
> code to fix the problem, so i really dont want to press this issue
> any more since it doubtable a rational conversation will take
> place)
> > Client side IMAP filtering is not supported by KMail and this is
> > not a bug, but this is completely unrelated to manually
> > moving/copying mails.
> actually when i move a mail from one folder to another that is not
> so unrelated.  i know we prefer to think about problems as crafy
> computer programmers sometimes, but i doubt most users that want to
> filter mail know the difference between local folders and
> network.... but that is anther issue all together.
> > Do you still try to trick UW-IMAP to display subfolder of the
> > INBOX it doesn't really support or is this in normal usage this
> > time? At least for me it works well with UW-IMAP.
> No i created a folder called Mail and use that as my prefix, its a
> hack but works for now until i have time to play with a better
> solution.
> > About what dice are you talking? What does KMail say to the
> > server and what does the server reply?
> basicly when i move a message from one folder to another, there is
> no immediate interaction.  hwne i try to read the folder again a
> dialog pops up saying the message is trying to move, and it just
> hangs. tcpdump shows no activity.

FWIW If you vote a bug or feature like "Client side filtering of IMAP 
messsages" up then there's a good chance I'll implement it in 

You can kinda see this already for "Remove duplicate messages" which 
is implemented in make_it_cool.,bugs.bug_severity%2Cbugs.votes%2Cbugs.votes%2Cbugs.bug_severity%2Cbugs.votes%2Cbugs.votes%2Cbugs.bug_id


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