Showstopper: kmail hangs while copying mail between imap folders

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at
Thu Nov 7 04:38:11 GMT 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:00 am, Michael Häckel wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:04, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> > On Tuesday 05 November 2002 06:57 pm, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > > Since many months? Maybe you or Ian should have reported this bug when
> > > it first occured and not a week before release.
> >
> > I did, you told me to start filtering on the server... so after much
> > irritation i went to procmail.
> As far as I remember you just reported that IMAP in KMail is absolutely
> unusable and I did a very bad job. Sorry that I don't waste too much of my
> valuable time for trolls like you.
im not going to even argue your lack of help in that area, but i did find a 
resolution to avoid agrivateing the bug in kmail by dorking with my server.  
Ironicly the bug is still there, but it was less effort to just change my 
server than to deal with the current management so to speak...
(i am still personally upset that there was no real effort outside of waldo 
offering ideas on some of the code to fix the problem, so i really dont want 
to press this issue any more since it doubtable a rational conversation will 
take place)

> Client side IMAP filtering is not supported by KMail and this is not a bug,
> but this is completely unrelated to manually moving/copying mails.
actually when i move a mail from one folder to another that is not so 
unrelated.  i know we prefer to think about problems as crafy computer 
programmers sometimes, but i doubt most users that want to filter mail know 
the difference between local folders and network.... but that is anther issue 
all together.

> Do you still try to trick UW-IMAP to display subfolder of the INBOX it
> doesn't really support or is this in normal usage this time? At least for
> me it works well with UW-IMAP.
No i created a folder called Mail and use that as my prefix, its a hack but 
works for now until i have time to play with a better solution.  

> About what dice are you talking? What does KMail say to the server and what
> does the server reply?
basicly when i move a message from one folder to another, there is no 
immediate interaction.  hwne i try to read the folder again a dialog pops up 
saying the message is trying to move, and it just hangs. tcpdump shows no 

personaly i just moved to procmail and told my clients to use mozzilla mail or 
pop3 until we figure this out.  not sure what else there is, but if our imap 
impl is fragile enough to not work on one box but work perfectly on another 
we may have some more sinister problems.  for all i know i am missing some 
special imap version or something, i dont know, i have stock SuSE 7.3 on the 
server and the client, and KDE Head from source on the client.

either way at least there are others with this issue, so we know its probibly 
some odd config issue...

- -ian reinhart geiser

- -- 
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