Showstopper bug in "kate" -- More Info.

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at
Tue Nov 5 23:08:18 GMT 2002

Christoph Cullmann wrote:

> Hi,
> Anders and me seems to have got that bug now finally (really ;).
> Could you update your kdelibs/kate/part dir, recompile and install it ?
> What we have fixed:
> - - crash or endless printing (or duplicates ...)
> - - duplicated words on word wrap


Yes you did it now  (really  ;-).

There is however one very visible bug left (probably not a showstopper,
but nevertheless nasty):

* none of the macros (%u, %U, %h, %f, %y, %Y, %d, %D, %H) does expand
   for the "footer" part into its value -- they just get printed
   literally in all three fields.

* all these macros do work however in the "header" part.

Other than this, the extended print options for text files are awfully
good. (They'll make some nice surprise for audiences in presentations...)

[ Hmmm... one future feature request could be to have an option to safe
   the settings -- because it takes quite some time to setup all the colours
   and line thicknesses. Or, at least let it always safe the last setting
   automatically... ]

Thanks a lot!

> cu
> Christoph


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