Showstopper bug in "kate" -- More Info.

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at
Mon Nov 4 21:15:37 GMT 2002

Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> Christoph Cullmann wrote:
>> Could you update your kdelibs/kate/part dir, install it and retest ?
> If updated and compiled this part (I am currently updating the whole lot 
> of KDE).
> It seems the most nasty part of the bug is gone. However, the rendering 
> of the
> page(s) doesn't look right.
> While I get the correct looking preview without the "Print Syntax Guide" 
> option,
> checking this option to be "on" prints first several hundred pages of 
> lines with
> this content:
> 2 -
> 2 -
> 2 -
> [....]
> while then the last few pages contain a partially correct content of 
> what is
> in the kate text file....
> I will make more tests when I have a completely new KDE....

I have now started a freshly compiled KDE. The bug's severness has changed.
It doesn't fill up completely anymore my harddisk, but... still writes strange messages to $HOME/.X.err still prints several hundred of pages with repetetive lines
     (quoted above)

More (other) bugs:

  ...the %U macro for the header/footer page part doesn't expand to "full
     URI to file as promised by the "quick help" (instead it prints the
     "%U" verbally;

  ...if you use all macro options (that is %u, %U, %h, %f, %y, %Y, %d, %D,
     %H) in any combination distributed amongst the 6 fields (like "%u-%f-&h",
     in one field and the other field filled up similarly), kate krashes
     without a backtrace in most cases...)

Note, that with all my experiments I never printed to a real printer, but
always activated the "Preview" button (and I had set the preview to use the
external previewer "gv" -- to get that: go "System Options... --> Preview -->
--> Select external preview program")

Hmmm... wait, just now I had a combination of header/footer macros going
which had the also the line numbers and the syntax guide active, and did
not crash and preview OK (with non-expanded macros), but I can't reproduce

I better give you at least one completely quoted combination which doesn't

Printing from kate (1 hour old CVS with qt-copy as of yesterday evening),
clicking the printer icon, with kprinter-dialog settings as follows:

Preview: yes

Tab "Copies":
  -- Page Selection: all
  -- Copies: 1
  -- Collate: yes
  -- Reverse: no

Tab "Text Settings"
  -- Print Line Numbers: yes
  -- Print Syntax Guide: yes

Tab "Header & Footer"
  -- Print Header: yes
  -- Print Footer: yes
  -- Header/Footer Font: helvetica, 12pt.
  -- Header Properties:
     * Background: yes
     * Background color: HTML #D3D3D3
     * Foreground color: HTML #000000
     * Format: %Y (left field), %U (center field), %u (right field)
  -- Footer Properties (same as Header Properties):
     * Background: yes
     * Background color: HTML #D3D3D3
     * Foreground color: HTML #000000
     * Format: %Y (left field), %U (center field), %u (right field)

Tab "Layout"
  -- Draw Background Color: yes
  -- Draw Boxes: yes
  -- Box Properties:
     * Width: 6
     * Margin: 15
     * Color: HTML #000000

(from inside the "Properties" dialog, on the "Margins" tab, *no* custom margins
were selected...)

Print system selected: CUPS

The file I used to try printing is attached. This combination lets kate crash.

(Further note:  I am not sure if the "Margins" tab is now on KDE 3.1 or if it
--------------  is still something special on my own machine -- I once got it
from Michael to test it and I don't know if it was ever committed; I'll
re-compile without it and will run another test then to make sure we have the
same setup from CVS...)

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