Clipboard for the dummies

Richard Bos allabos at
Sat Nov 2 18:24:15 GMT 2002

Op zaterdag 2 november 2002 16:23, schreef Christoph Cullmann:
> I don't see any case where the automagically mouse/keyboard selection would
> hurt usergroup 2, as they simply don't know and don't use it (and if they
> try it and don't like it, they can simply don't use it, won't hurt them, or
> ?), but usergroup 1 (like me and others) would be hurt very much if we
> abandon the selection thing.
> Why break something that many people are used to, only to avoid that new
> people don't use it ? I don't think it will confuse any new user, as the
> selection don't overwrite the clipboard and won't break their "from
> windows" known CTRL-C/V stuff.

Well said Christoph.  I know many people that are used to the copy and paste 
using the mouse (MMB).  It would hurt me and those people, if the <ctrl>-V 
etc alone would be supported by KDE!  So, please keep on supporting copy and 
paste using the mouse (MMB)!

Richard Bos

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