Clipboard for the dummies

Christoph Cullmann crossfire at
Sat Nov 2 15:23:15 GMT 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 02 November 2002 01:43, Carsten Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hiya,
> > My new reasoning would be more along the lines of: what the user
> > _voluntarily_ selects gets copied.
> that's exactly the reason for the option "Setting Clipboard implicitly sets
> Selection". Whenever I explicitly perform a "Copy" action, be it Ctrl-C/X
> or a "Copy" in a menubar or contextmenu, I expect being able to paste that
> with both MMB and Ctrl-V (or "Paste" in a menubar).
> I see MMB as a convenience method for pasting stuff when my fingers are not
> resting on Ctrl-V.
> So, ideally, I would see this whole Selection-thing being removed
> altogether, i.e. you always have to press Cltr-C to put something into the
> clipboard. Exceptions are terminal programs where Ctrl-C is already taken
> of course.
> This might be a radical change for some, but that's my view. IMHO quite
> easy to understand for the user. And I haven't seen a Windows-user
> complaining that he has to press Ctrl-C for copying.

Here my point of view about what users will do:

1. Old X11/Unix users:
They are used to have seperated mouse/keyboard selection and the 
CTRL(/ALT)-C/V copy & paste.

2. Fresh X11/Unix users from the windows world:
They normally don't know about the "automagically" selection and use their 
CTRL-C/V shortcuts or the menus.

I don't see any case where the automagically mouse/keyboard selection would 
hurt usergroup 2, as they simply don't know and don't use it (and if they try 
it and don't like it, they can simply don't use it, won't hurt them, or ?), 
but usergroup 1 (like me and others) would be hurt very much if we abandon 
the selection thing.

Why break something that many people are used to, only to avoid that new 
people don't use it ? I don't think it will confuse any new user, as the 
selection don't overwrite the clipboard and won't break their "from windows" 
known CTRL-C/V stuff.

just my 2 €-cent

> Cheers
> Carsten Pfeiffer

- -- 
Christoph "Crossfire" Cullmann
Kate/KDE developer
cullmann at
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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