kde 3.1 -- make Keramik default?

Raffaele Sandrini sandrini at kde.org
Thu May 30 18:59:16 BST 2002

On Thursday 30 May 2002 19:46, Neil Stevens wrote:
> Yes, I'm being conservative.  Navindra made a proposal with no argument but
> marketing, and I'm answering with a challenge to show that this change
> will actually make KDE the better desktop.
> It's the supporters of Keramik who have no argument but subjectivity.

Neil, we are talkeing about a style here. There are no technical resons for 
it. A Style is about buty, coolnes and look'feel. We are talking about forms 
and colors. Is there any objectvity in that issue? No it isn't. Everyone has 
to descide about himself whats nice and what not. So we _are_ talking about 
marketing here. Marketing is the scinece of "what people like" and thats 
exactly what a Style is for. Its all subjectivity Neil. Please think of that.

Raffaele Sandrini <sandrini at kde.org>

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