kde 3.1 -- make Keramik default?

Klas Kalass klas.kalass at gmx.de
Thu May 30 18:32:52 BST 2002

I would like to add my 2 cents as well:
One thing I really like about highcolor is the visual feedback one gets for 
everything clickable, i.e. highlighting of buttons when the mouse is over 
them. I would like that for keramik very much.


Am Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2002 11:58 schrieb Christoph Cullmann:
> Hi,
> I like the idea of using Keramik as default style, too. But there are still
> some probs in my eyes:
> - the allready mentioned combo box problem
> - the bit large buttons (but that's perhaps only a matter of taste and not
> relevant)
> - the missing of a tuned color scheme for keramik

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