kde 3.1 -- make Keramik default?

Roberto Teixeira maragato at conectiva.com
Thu May 30 13:09:52 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 30 May 2002 08:31, Daniel Molkentin wrote:
> Moin!
> On Thursday 30 May 2002 13:23, Roberto Teixeira wrote:
> >Although I don't think it should be a problem, this will have to be
> > discussed with Conectiva, since the icons belong to them. And honestly
> > this is one of my problems with using Crystal as default... I haven't got
> > anything against Conectiva (obviously) and I have no doubts they'll
> > change the license and whatever it's needed. But somehow I have problems
> > with the default iconset belonging to a company... well, it's probably
> > just nitpicking
> Yupp. Furthermore in his Mail, Waldo stated that if someone imports his
> work into KDE CVS, he gives KDE the permission to use it, especially if the
> contributions' importance is very high.
> Also, the originial HighColor Theme was designed by Tackat, who is employed
> by SuSE. I don't know his contracts and if SuSE considers HighColor to be
> "theirs" (I don't think the do).
> That's why I don't really see a problem with that, but IANAL ;)

I don't think the problem is legal. As I said, it was probably just 
nitpicking. It's just a personal feeling against it... heck, it's probably 
because of all the hassle I've been through because of this iconset. Who 

Anyway, as I've said, I am 100% sure there will be no problem with Conectiva. 
Today is a national holiday here in Brazil so I can't check this out, but 
tomorrow I'll talk to the appropriate people at Conectiva. Now it's time to 
focus on the real issues with Crystal (it's too blue :)

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