kicker: no drag-resizing anymore

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon May 27 17:45:39 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On May 27, 2002 10:31 am, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> Now, right click on Kicker and select "Size->Custom..." and set it to 44. 
> Now again, go to "Configure Panel...".  It will still say Size == Normal
> and the custom size will still be 58, instead of the values that you set
> using "Size->Custom...".

ah, yes... known problem... changes to the kickerrc don't cause a reload in 
the kcontrol. i'm not sure if this is common to all kcontrol modules 
(signalling a larger problem) or unique to kicker... i haven't played around 
w/it enough to find out =)

you are quite correct that this should be fixed, though... 

>  As a user I would expect the drag to
> resize behavior to function the same independant of what I select to be the
> size of Kicker.  The present implementation connects these and I don't
> really see why.

because if someone doesn't pick custom as a size, they don't want a custom 
size. they want one of the presets. i agree that it is strange that you can 
resize only if it is set to Custom and that there is no way to turn it off.

i wouldn't add the "turn on / off resize by dragging" to the main kicker kcm, 
though... i'd probably make an advanced dialog at that point containing it 
along with hide button sizing and show/hide applet handles.

another nicety would be to enable drag-resizing on all resizeable panels. 
right now it only seems to work on the main panel and not child panels.

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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