Font Mime-Types

Craig Drummond cpdrummond at
Tue May 21 11:20:16 BST 2002

> On Monday 20 May 2002 17:57, Craig Drummond wrote:
> Mime types are not an invention of KDE, you know. See 
for a=20
> list of registered mime types. I can find at least on app subtype=20
> registered there. For others, search with google.
> Marc

Hmm... OK.

Having done a quick search I've found:

x-font            pfa, pfb, gsf -or- these plus 
pcf and pcf.Z
x-postscript-font pfa, pfb, gsf
x-pcf-font        pcf
x-bdf-font        bdf
x-truetype-font   ttf

So what gives? Which is correct? Is there a difinitive list of mimetype 
to file extensions?

Also, what about snf and Speedo fonts? These don't seem to be listed.


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