App duplication again (Re: new project in kdemultimedia)
Neil Stevens
neil at
Mon May 6 23:36:00 BST 2002
Hash: SHA1
On Monday May 06, 2002 03:07, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> At 03:02 PM 5/6/2002, you wrote:
> >Gee, what a surprise, he likes the idea. I wonder, hmm, does it have
> > to do with the possibility of a TheKompany KDE Distribution, that
> > replaces select KDE/KOffice with propreitary junk from
> > TheKompany/Hancom?
> well let's ignore your dementia and paranoia for a moment.
No, let's not. Do go on with your amateur psychiatry. It's rather
amusing, and typical of corporate responses to individuals that speak out
against them. Ms. Thatcher would be so amused right about now.
> Making a KDE
> Distribution doesn't work because you can't just slap it into any old
> Linux Distribution and have it work. I'm not going to get into any of
> my business with you because you have your mind made up about what it is
> and come hell or high water you won't let facts interfere with that
> viewpoint. So if you'd like to keep up your groundless attacks
Hm... funny word, groundless. It means that there *aren't* grounds, but I
seem to have someone right here. The Kompany's own webpage claims that
you ship a collection of software that can be slapped into any old Linux,
just a little old thing you got started with called the Power Plant. In
fact, you offer so many screenshots of your Magnum installer!
- --
Neil Stevens - neil at
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they
have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher
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