App duplication again (Re: new project in kdemultimedia)

ian reinhart geiser geiseri at
Mon May 6 23:14:29 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 06 May 2002 06:02 pm, Neil Stevens wrote:
> Gee, what a surprise, he likes the idea.  I wonder, hmm, does it have to do
> with the possibility of a TheKompany KDE Distribution, that replaces
> select KDE/KOffice with propreitary junk from TheKompany/Hancom?
Dude give it a rest!

SuSE, RH and Mandrake already brand what is there, what is stopping The 
Kompany from just picking what they want for a dist as it stands.

I think what David says is a more valid argument, but either way there is 
merit to what Waldo says.  There are no conspiracies here, there are no evil 
plots to ruin Neil's KDE.  This is just concerned people who want to make 
sure KDE keeps on the up and up.  If you are just going to keep crying that 
the sky is falling you are just going to end up being ignored by the few who 
actually listen to you any more.

The cd burner guys are all working together, and people are talking.  There is 
constructive dialog going on here if we listen to the points that Thomas, 
Dave and Waldo are making.  

- -ian reinhart geiser
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