App duplication again (Re: new project in kdemultimedia)

Thomas Diehl thd at
Sat May 4 16:46:11 BST 2002

Am Samstag, 4. Mai 2002 17:17 schrieb Neil Stevens:

> Think for a minute.  If you remove 2 apps from KDE and translate the
> third, or have all 3 in KDE and let the translators choose to only
> translate 1 of the three, what freaking difference is there for
> non-english speakers?

1) It makes the whole of KDE look pretty shitty if it becomes a mixture of 
translated and untranslated or partly translated apps. (Yes, I know that 
from experience. This is how I became a translator in the first place.)

2) Most of the programs in question are already coming with translations to 
my language. But contrary to popular belief, this is often no big help. To 
say the least: Most translations coming in from already existing apps do 
not fit in with anything in the existing translations. OK, it may be our 
own fault if we redo them. But who likes to be identified with something 
(s)he just considers bad work?

> > To fix a bug / add a feature has nothing to do with this topic.
> Yes it does.  Untranslated apps aren't more unusable than apps with fatal
> bugs or fatal missing features.

OK, and you want us to release KDE apps "with fatal bugs or fatal missing 
features" -- right? And you expect users and ourselves not to worry about 
this and how it makes KDE look like? Sorry, but I really have some 
difficulty to take this serious.


KDE translation:
Deutsche KDE-Uebersetzung:

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