App duplication again (Re: new project in kdemultimedia)
Christoph Cullmann
crossfire at
Sat May 4 16:12:36 BST 2002
On Saturday 04 May 2002 16:52, Neil Stevens wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Saturday May 04, 2002 07:39, Matthias Welwarsky wrote:
> > On Saturday 04 May 2002 16:11, Neil Stevens wrote:
> > > If translators don't wish to translate the new app, nobody's forcing
> > > them to do so.
> >
> > Because we cannot release untranslated applications with KDE?
> Sure we can. KDE is under no obligation.
> > Why else
> > would we have translation teams for more than 50 languages and a
> > sophisticated framework if we didn't care about that?
> We have translation teams because people volunteer to translate. If these
> teams no longer wish to translate KDE in its entirety, then they shouldn't
> do so.
> However, I think it'd be a terrible mistake to hold back all of KDE because
> one group doesn't want to proceed with it. If there are enough users who
> want that untranslated app, someone will eventually step up and translate
> it.
Nice Neil, and perhaps we should just rename KDE to EDE (english-only desktop
> > How on earth could translators decide on whether to translate an
> > application or not? The simple rule is: everything that's in one of the
> > core modules gets translated.
> Using their brains? I'm assuming here that translators aren't mindless
> automatons that translate whatever's in front of them, but rather are
> capable of deciding that one apps is more important than another.
> Translators do currently distinguish nonbeta and "others" from the
> released packages.
> so, if they see 30 CD writing apps, they can say to themselves, if they
> feel that way, "This is stupid. I'll do those later, if I get around to
> it."
> > What if they actually decided that they don't want to translate some
> > application, for whatever reason?
> Then it'd go untranslated until someone stepped up. That's life in
> volunteer software projects. Translations aren't the only thing that can
> make an app totally unusable for people. KMail was worthless to many
> people until it finally got SMTP AUTH support, for example.
To fix a bug / add a feature has nothing to do with this topic. Translaters
will never come here and say: we don't like to translate the 2 smtp auth
support msgs, drop smtp.
But I think they have the right to say that they don't have fun to translate
msgs for 4 duplicated apps.
> > > Why should translators get a double super veto over what goes into
> > > KDE?
> >
> > Why should developers be allowed to burden loads and loads of work on
> > translators for half-working applications? I think we should consider
> > carefully before wasting other peoples time deliberately.
> Nobody's forcing anyone to do anything. We're all volunteers here, either
> volunteering our own time or having our time volunteered by our employer.
> - --
> Neil Stevens - neil at
> "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
> because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they
> have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher
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Christoph "Crossfire" Cullmann
Kate/KDE developer
cullmann at
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