KDE 3.0.1 schedule

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Sat May 4 13:58:44 BST 2002

On Fre, 03 Mai 2002, F at lk Brettschneider wrote:

> >$ ls -1 kdevel*
> >kdevelop-2.1_for_KDE_2.2.tar.bz2
> >kdevelop-2.1_for_KDE_3.0.tar.bz2
> >
> >$pwd
> >/home/ftp/pub/kde/stable/3.0/src
> This must have happened much later than the 3.0 release.

No, certainly not, the 2.1 for 2.2 variant was packaged as first package 
because it is the most difficult one to package. 

 3237251 Mar 26 00:38 kdevelop-2.1_for_KDE_2.2.tar.bz2

As you can see, it was uploaded roughly a week before the announcement. 

BTW, how long is this "kdevelop for KDE 2.2" thing going to stay ? We never 
ever before provided packages for KDE versions that are no longer the latest 
stable recommendation. 


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