KDE 3.0.1 schedule

Andy Fawcett andy at athame.co.uk
Sat May 4 07:38:17 BST 2002

On Saturday 04 May 2002 01:15, falk.brettschneider at gmx.de wrote:
> Dirk Mueller wrote:
> >On Don, 02 Mai 2002, F at lk Brettschneider wrote:
> >>All betas and release candidates of KDE 3 contained an additional
> >> KDE-2 version of KDevelop-2.1 but the final KDE-3 release did not!
> >> All the KDevelopers were really really sad. :-(
> >
> >hmm, really ?
> >
> >$ ls -1 kdevel*
> >kdevelop-2.1_for_KDE_2.2.tar.bz2
> >kdevelop-2.1_for_KDE_3.0.tar.bz2
> >
> >$pwd
> >/home/ftp/pub/kde/stable/3.0/src
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Dirk
> Hmm...it's only the source version. I mean there aint any rpm files
> of KDevelop-2.1-KDE2. Neither in stable/3.0 nor in stable/2.2.2. AFAI
> remember KDE3beta and KDE3rc provided those rpms.

<kde-mantra> "KDE provides source" </kde-mantra>

If the appropriate packagers (the Linux distributors, the *BSD 
packagers, the $OTHERUNIX packagers) don't bother to package it, it 
won't be on the FTP server.

Best thing is to ask your distros packager why it isn't there, I guess.

Andy Fawcett      |   "In an open world without walls and fences,
andy at athame.co.uk |      we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."
tap at lspace.org    |                              -- anon

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