Patch to add 'close tab' button in Mozilla style to Konqueror.

Richard Bos allabos at
Sun Jun 9 22:26:18 BST 2002

On zaterdag 8 juni 2002 03:46, Troels Tolstrup wrote:
> > Ah that is good to see.  It's a feature that tabs are loaded in the
> > background.
> Actually i find it a bug. Normally when you open a new document it gains
> focus, the tabs in konqueror doesnt. I think a lot of people like the
> links to load in the background, so maybe it should be configurable? If
> not then i would strongly suggest that we don't break normal practice
> and have new tabs gain focus. I would compare this to opening in a new
> window and then the new window doesnt gain focus and is placed beneath
> the current window.

Would it be possible to provide an "open in background" and an "open with 
focus" in the popup menu.  No need for another configure option, while still 
providing a lot of flexibility

Richard Bos
Democracy cost a fortune

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