Shall we wiki ?

Andreas Schlapbach schlpbch at
Tue Jun 4 20:44:19 BST 2002

Hi Philippe

At university, our group is using this quite extensively. There's just 
one problem: funny people. Adding stupid comments, uploading 
trash/offending content or trying to bring down the wiki, all that they 
find extremly amusing.


Philippe FREMY wrote:
> 	Hi,
> I think it would be handy to have a wiki for kde. For those that don't know
> wiki, check . It is a web framework
> that allow any user to edit the page he is viewing. This is cvs for the web.
> Although cvs can be theorically used for the same purpose, wiki allows
> editing of an html page without knowing anything about html nor cvs. This is
> the best way to gather collective work.

Andreas Schlapbach      schlpbch at

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