Shall we wiki ?

Philippe FREMY P.FREMY at
Tue Jun 4 09:07:05 BST 2002


I think it would be handy to have a wiki for kde. For those that don't know
wiki, check . It is a web framework
that allow any user to edit the page he is viewing. This is cvs for the web.
Although cvs can be theorically used for the same purpose, wiki allows
editing of an html page without knowing anything about html nor cvs. This is
the best way to gather collective work.

The first thing I would like to put on a wiki is the developer faq. That
way, people could contribute more questions and responses.

The second thing is a user-tips base. You know these tips we show at
start-up. We are developers, there are probably many things that are just
obvious to us but constitute a real tip for the middle user. That way it
could be easier for them to add some more.

Other use will certainly arise as soon as it is being set up. Any helper
document like the developer faq, or "how to have multiple KDE on the same
computer" could be made wiki pages. Every user could contribute to them with
their specific knowledge/distribution/... Since it is far easier to add one
paragraph on an existing document using wiki (takes 5 minutes) than sending
a mail to the author then wait for his answers and comments, then update,
then ..., I would expect more people contributing like this.

A small survey seem to bring MoinMoin ( as the
most interesting wiki implementation, with plugins to handle faq and stuff
like that. But I am no expert on the subject.

What do you think ?



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