Fwd: Feature article on KDE for Linux Magazine

Rob Kaper cap at capsi.com
Sat Jul 27 11:36:06 BST 2002

On Friday 26 July 2002 19:53, Navindra Umanee wrote:
> Anyone interested in $800.00 + fame and glory?

Let's see.. I've got plenty of spare time in my LWCE schedule (three weeks in 
SF for a 3 day show).. showing cool things to users is cool..

Ok, sent Martin some mail, I'm interested. :-)

Rob Kaper     | Gimme some love, gimme some skin,
cap at capsi.com | if we ain't got that then we ain't got much
www.capsi.com | and we ain't got nothing, nothing! -- "Nothing" by A

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