Richard Dale is missing and generating QtC

Adam Treat manyoso at
Fri Jul 26 19:11:20 BST 2002

Hello All,

I am having a hell of a time trying to regenerate QtC.  I've discovered that 
Richard kept a patch file for manual edits that had to be carried over from 
release to release, but this patch file is missing along with Richard ;-)

So, I've gone back to checking out kdebindings right after his last major 
update to QtC to make sure kalyptus hasn't changed, but when I regenerate the 
bindings some methods are missplaced... ie, all of the QFooEvent handlers are 
reordered and I can't make logical sense of why.  There are only three things  
I can think of that would have reordered them: I'm using different Qt headers 
than Richard used, Richard was carrying around these reorders in his patch 
file (I mean something could have changed in kalyptus long ago that changed 
the order of these methods and he's been carrying the old order in his patch) 
or there is some subtle nuance to generating these that I don't see.  The 
kdebindings I checked out are from 11/21/02, the day after he last 
regenerated them.  I'm using the headers from the libqt3-dev package in 
debian.  I wonder what headers he used...  I don't think I'm missing anything 
about the way in which qtc is generated.

The goal here is to regenerate the bindings _exactly_ as Richard had done for 
the last major release and then obtain a patch file against qtc in current 
cvs, that way I'll have a patch of _only_ the manual edits which I can apply 
to future generations...  Any ideas would be most appreciated!

Thanks Everyone,


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