KSVG - ready for KDE 3.1?

Klas Kalass klas.kalass at gmx.de
Thu Jul 18 13:23:17 BST 2002

Am Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2002 14:43 schrieb Nikolas Zimmermann:
> Hi there,
> as we get svg icon support for KDE 3.1 people
> may wonder if they can view normal svg files.
> They'll open konqueror and for a directory which
> contains svg files the svg icon engine thumbnailer
> is triggered.. it'll produce "not-so-good-results" as most
> svg stuff is not supported.
> That'll make ppl say "svg in kde is shit".
> So we, Rob Buis, David Faure and me wondered
> if an inclusion of KSVG is too late for 3.1?
> We'd like to see it in kdegraphics.
You know that I am very supportive of the idea to put ksvg in one of the main 
kde modules, but last time I tried it my results were not very good: opening 
the svg penguin that is linked from KC KDE took >> 80 MB RAM and when I tried
http://www.adobe.com/svg/demos/main.html all my RAM (128MB) + Swap (256 MB) 
was not enough...

That was 1-2 weeks ago I think. Has this been fixed or do you think that you 
will be able to fix it in time?
If yes, then I support to have it in kdegraphics.


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