Kuickshow's UI

aleXXX alexander.neundorf at gmx.net
Tue Jul 16 22:41:13 BST 2002

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 16:19, Matthias Elter wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 July 2002 15:56, Carsten Pfeiffer wrote:
> > >   (4) Later I tried running Kuickshow w/out a file name argument, and
> > > you get something which looks like some cross between a file dialog and
> > > a main window, with a toolbar but no menu.  If you open a file using
> >
> > I don't think it needs a menubar. The few options in the toolbar would
> > only be duplicated in the menubar.
> Menubars always show duplicates of the toolbar actions. Kuickshow looks
> really strange without a menubar.
> Greetings,
> Matthias

Well, at least I really like kuickshow as it is now ::-)


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