KXConfig as KControl module

Trevor Harmon trevor at vocaro.com
Tue Jul 16 08:33:45 BST 2002

In the KDE 3.1 feature plan, there is a line (in the yellow) that says:

* A KCM for changing X11 resolution and gamma correction, emma85x at yahoo.com

I checked CVS, but there doesn't seem to be anything like this in there. I 
searched the mailing lists for emma85x, but he has never talked about this 
feature. I also sent him an email directly, but it's been a couple days and 
I'm getting impatient. (Not to mention that the release date for 3.1 is 
getting closer and closer.)

I'd like to handle the work of adding this feature, assuming it hasn't been 
done already. There has already been talk of it here:

Does anyone know the status of this feature, and where it could be found in 
the kcontrol sources? I'd at least like to help out with testing.



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