Resedit (Was: Proposal for KControl)

Waldo Bastian bastian at
Thu Jul 4 18:27:39 BST 2002

On Thursday 04 July 2002 06:54 am, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 02:24:09PM +0100, Rik Hemsley wrote:
> > How is this 'binary' db to be accessed ? If it's by reading a file,
> > then you have to wait for I/O, which is about a billion times slower
> > than parsing some text. Or you could get it from a central server via
> > a pipe or something. Context switches appear. Oh, and how slow is text
> > config file parsing ? Did you measure it against 'binary' data ?
> ksycoca is mmapped.
> having a central config server also has the advantage of changes not
> being lost if two applications simulutaneously modify different entries
> in the same file. taking this further, applications could actually lock
> keys, groups or files for the time some config dialog is open.

It's a great new feature, but don't expect it to be faster.

bastian at  |   SuSE Labs KDE Developer  |  bastian at

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