kdeextragear policy question
George Staikos
staikos at kde.org
Wed Jul 3 22:04:32 BST 2002
On Wednesday 03 July 2002 16:55, Klas Kalass wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2002 22:37 schrieb Neil Stevens:
> > Will kdeextragear-* be allowed to depend on other packages for
> > libkdegames, libnoatun, libartsgui or other libraries?
> >
> > I'd like to see Noatun Hayes go to extragear instead of nonbeta, but not
> > if it's going to break the policy.
> I see no problem there, because extragear is not supposed to be released as
> one package, but rather as many seperate packages.
> I will try to solve the issues that arise (like making independent releases
> possible) when they arise :)
Does this mean that there may be a better cvs2pack script on the horizon?
:-) It is not easy to make a package with that tool right now. I know that
some people have patches but they have not been committed to CVS yet.
George Staikos
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