Resedit (Was: Proposal for KControl)

Waldo Bastian bastian at
Mon Jul 1 07:59:50 BST 2002

On Sunday 30 June 2002 11:29 pm, Hadacek Nicolas wrote:
> > Like Cristian says, you need some sort of XML file (well, it can be
> > anything but XML would be a good candidate) that covers all possible
> > config options, explains what it can be used for and that has some formal
> > description of the values it can have. You can't extract this information
> > from the config files themselves.
> do you remember that I have proposed this kind of framework some times agon
> on this list :)

Must have missed that :-]

> though I don't know if it is exactly what is needed... It
> is currently used in kmines and ksirtet ; the XML files ares for eg
> "kminesconfig.rc" and "ksirtetconfig.rc" and the class hierarchy to handle
> them is in "kmines/generic/gsettings.*"...

Oh, very nice! How do these gsettings work? You can just plug them into a 
settings dialog?

bastian at  |   SuSE Labs KDE Developer  |  bastian at

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