Fwd: Thank you

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Fri Dec 6 13:45:14 GMT 2002

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Subject: Thank you
Date: Friday 06 December 2002 14:24
From: Aidan Delaney <adelaney at cs.may.ie>
To: kde-usability at mail.kde.org

Dear KDE usability people,
	I have recently ugraded to KDE 3.0.99 (3.1 rc_3).  I would like to inform
 you that the good work you are doing is helping me to be more productive
 when using my machine.  I have found it easier to configure a lot of
 programs that seem to have newer dialogues.  This is just to let you know
 that your improvements are not going unnoticed by humble users.

Aidan Delaney
Computers simulate determinism; only Tao is perfect.

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