Fwd: Installation Problems and Useability
Richard Bos
allabos at freeler.nl
Sat Aug 24 06:27:37 BST 2002
And with SuSE it's a breeze to keep kde up to date. It's nothing more than
executing 2 commands: "apt-get update/apt-get upgrade" :)
More about this apt stuff for SuSE at http://linux01.gwdg.de/apt4rpm
Op zaterdag 24 augustus 2002 01:44, schreef Ingo Klöcker:
> Last but not least, I have to reiterate that we only provide source
> packages. Providing binaries is what the distributors are paid for by
> you when you by their product. And if your distributor doesn't fit your
> needs then either sent your complaints to him or try another
> distribution. I'm personally still satisfied with SuSE which cares a
> lot more for KDE than Redhat ever did.
Richard Bos
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