bugs.kde.org -> bugzilla??

Lauri Watts lauri at kde.org
Sun Aug 18 12:51:41 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 18 August 2002 13.05, Stephan Kulow wrote:

> Do you have other input? I guess, most of you have no
> idea how our current bug system looks like internally, so it
> will be mostly about using BTSs - please tell me, but leave
> out emotions if you can ;)

I find bugzilla really difficult to use.  There's way too much information to 
deal with on the bug pages, and it's... messy feeling.  I'm trying not to be 
emotional with it here heh.  

If Mozilla is customizable and can be tamed into a friendlier interface (would 
we let a KDE app out the door with that many combo boxes all over the place? 
Why should we use a bug reporting tool with a bad UI either?) then I can't 
see how I could really object to it.    

I'm going to just assume it is, because it's a web based interface, but the 
possibility alone isn't enough, someone still has to step up and do the work.

kbugbuster is a godsend, and I think wasn't only to alleviate the issues of 
searching that it took off.  I find entirely web based interfaces are always 
slower than the equivalent desktop application, and the batch ability is also 
nice.  It would be a loss in my opinion to go back to a purely web based 
interface, so I'd also like to know if kbugbuster could be rewritten to use 
these other databases.

- -- 
Lauri Watts
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