Short hostnames in URLs

Lubos Lunak l.lunak at
Wed Aug 7 17:45:27 BST 2002

Dne st 7. srpen 2002 16:45 Simon Hausmann napsal(a):
> >
> >  QDns is not blocking. Never. You just need to connect the right signals
> > and enter (or return to) the event loop.
> The fact that the urifilter API is sync is a pity in this very case,
> but I think we shouldn't try to work around it. IMHO there should be
> no code in kdelibs (and I consider this plugin to be a kdelibs
> thing, because it is loaded by kdelibs in every default setup) using
> enter_loop()/exit_loop() or equivalent constructs, unless it is
> explicitly mentioned in the documentation or somewhere.
> enter_loop()/processEvents is asking for absolutely nothing but
> trouble. Just imagine the lookup takes a bit too long and the user
> closes the konqueror window in the meantime.

 *sigh* ... ok.

> Aside from that I second Waldo's concern about QDns. The class does
> not obey /etc/nsswitch.conf at all (yes, I've seen setups where host
> lookups were partially done through NIS :(
> I'd probably dump the feature instead of taking the risk.

 I wouldn't. Attached is try #2. Unless there are some more technical details 
to discuss, could now somebody with dial-up check if the timeout value 
doesn't cause some problems?

 Lubos Lunak
 llunak at ; l.lunak at
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