Documentation of xmlgui stuff ?

Simon Hausmann hausmann at
Mon Apr 22 18:03:52 BST 2002

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 06:22:48PM +0200, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> Hi,
> just working on removing the last code duplication between kate app and part, 
> the hardcoded actions. Have just done the most coding work but now it needs 
> some "resort" of the merging of the part actions into kate app. I want to 
> group the actions of the part together to stuff like "file_operations", 
> "edit_operations", ... and merge this groups on specific points in the gui.
> 2 Questions:
> 1. Is there any standard how to name these groups of actions to make the 
> grouping stuff useful for other apps ?
> 2. How do I give a merge location for one group in the xml file ?

What you could do is something like this:

<DefineGroup name="file_operations" />

That 'allocates' a placeholder at the specified location (for
example in your shell .rc file) .

In your part then you can utilize the group attribute in Actions,
Separators and Containers (Menu, Toolbar, etc.) to specify that an
item belongs to a group and therefore should be put at the place
where the placeholder is defined, much like:

<Action name="foo" group="file_operations" />

Hope this helps :)


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