Moving Toys into Games in the K Menu

Rolf Magnus ramagnus at
Mon Apr 22 12:13:33 BST 2002

On Monday 22 April 2002 12:25, Ralf Nolden wrote:

> > I probably missed something but I don't see what things like the tea
> > cooker has got to do with the games or who would look for it under such a
> > menu point? (Maybe the name "toys" is misleading and it should be called
> > something like "knick-knack" or "trifles".)
> kdetoys are just for wasting time or unnecessary in general just like games
> :)

But the tee cooker doesn't really fit in. Who would search a timer for cooking 
tea under "games" and "wasting time"? And amor doesn't really waste your 
time, but rather your cpu cycles. And kandalf's tips are definitely not a 
game to waste time.

> They would fit into the games section quite nicely and would

When I look at it, I think that most entries don't fit into the category 
"games", with games being things that you have to focus on, making you unable 
to do anything else while playing.

> reduce the K menu's upfront entries by -1.

You mean reduce by +1 ;-)

> The games submenu is already
> parted into 4 submenus, so a "wasting time with toys" submenu is at the
> right place here.

Maybe rename "Games" to "fun" and move things that are not just for fun to 

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