KXMLGUI question

John Firebaugh jfirebaugh at kde.org
Sun Apr 21 18:34:14 BST 2002

On Sunday 21 April 2002 6:22, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> That problem seems to be rather urgent, as gideon HEAD has the same
> problem, which would lead to one of the following conclusions:
> 1. both gideon devs and me have a implementation error
> 2. kaccel/xmlgui stuff has a bug :/
> 3. error in kate part, but as even standard actions has these probs, can't
> see how I could have broken that :(

Even konqueror has this problem. Try the "Execute Shell Command" tool via menu 
and accelerator after splitting the view a few times. Using it via the menu 
works as expected, using it via Ctrl-E always uses the last opened view.


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