Fwd: Re: Application duplication (was: Re: cdbakeoven)

Martijn Klingens klingens at kde.org
Sat Apr 20 16:11:13 BST 2002

On Saturday 20 April 2002 16:12, Carsten Pfeiffer wrote:
> On Saturday 20 April 2002 16:21, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> > Actually, I think you should make that example a bit more task oriented
> > as well: Suppose you want to play audio CDs and there was only a single
> > brand offering only a single model cd player, would you like that? I
> > think having choise is good.
> Concerning CDs (and drives), Windows does it right: you have that drive
> icon and right-clicking you can perform all those tasks that you can do
> with the given drive. E.g. formatting it, watching its status etc. Or, if
> it's a CD, you can launch its setup-program, play it (if it's an audio cd),
> etc.

Ehm, I was talking about audio CD players you buy for your steroe set, but 
that apparently wasn't clear :-)

> We have extra programs "kscd" and "kfloppy" and "kdf" for those tasks,
> somewhere in our K-Menu, completely separate from the drive they're
> operating on (its representation, the icon). :(

Should be rather easy to solve with Konqueror service menus and maybe some 
command line options to those tools I'd say.


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